Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moving on

Torie has had a busy weekend... not a boring day in here anywhere! She's needed to gain a little weight and when I weighed her on Friday, she was up almost 2 lbs! She's such a little thang and has a pretty good appetite, so the next 2 lbs should be easy :-)

On Saturday, Torie went on her first home visit, and I was so proud of her! She was a little restless, but was such a good girl! She didn't stay, but this was a really good experience for her.

This morning, Torie roached for the first time... a full out, relaxed, playgirl pose!! I knew she could do it!

Today is Torie's last day here. I'll be out of town next weekend and then will be getting a pair of senior fosters, so it was time for Torie to move to another foster home. She's been such a pleasure to have, and in the 10+ days she's been here, I've already seen her settle nicely into pet life. She's going to make someone an awesome and fun companion and friend.

Bye bye, sweet Torie. I know I'll be seeing you... ♥

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cute 101

Torie is very diligent about bringing stuffies to share with everyone.
She can empty the toy basket in minutes! ☺

Today was "monthly heartworm medicine mailing"
to all the foster hounds
and that's best done on the floor.
Torrie immediately volunteered to help.
I don't know how I've ever done it without her ☺

Hey, Torie, could you try to be cute?
Torie shares.
She shared her crate with her foster-friend Annie,
and she is happy to share a bed with Sting.

Video of Torie playing

Torie is really enjoying her new life and this morning she and Sting had an adorable play session :-) Unfortunately, I must have stopped the recording accidentally because this is just a portion of it. They played harder and harder and then a loud yelp ended the fun. No worry - they were fine.

All the stuffies you see on the floor are Torie's contribution to my housekeeping :-)) The calm observer is Rising.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Settling in

Torie is doing wonderfully!!! It's hard to believe she's so young and so well mannered. She's taken to the house hounds and the house like she's been a pet already.

Of course, no one's perfect ;-))

The first couple of days she was in the house, she did what many new hounds do when first introduced to this new world - she collected all the things that interested her! She carefully picked up something, and put it in her pile. Then she wandered around some more, and found something else. She never chewed anything - she just collected it. By the time I interrupted, she had a slipper, a box, a paper bag, a tote, and several stuffies!!

The novelty of "things" seems to have worn off, and she's stopped collecting, but how cute was that!!

Torie at rest - calm, peaceful, and adorable.

A big playbow - any takers?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There's MORE to this fancy kennel???

Torie and Annie felt fine today, so I decided to bring them upstairs a day early to meet my own hounds and see the rest of the house. Torie started off with her muzzle since she was a little insecure around new hounds at the M&G.

Hellooooo.... what is all this???

Meeting Triple

Meeting Digger

Once the introductions were done (and they went pretty well) Torie relaxed and started to explore. The kitchen always seems to be fascinating to new houndies :-))

Oops. Well, let me explain...
I was curious... I was just moving it... it looked lonely... it... it...
Rats. OK, you caught me.
But remember, I'm young. I'm in a new world.
I have to learn about "homes".
And... aren't I simply ADORABLE???

After a busy afternoon exploring,
and then a nice dinner, Torie relaxed.
She's going to do FINE!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Torie and her best friend, Annie, had their routine vetting yesterday, and both girls did greyt! Vetting includes blood work, heartworm testing, stool sample check, microchip, spay, dental, flea treatment, and heartworm prevention. Whew!

In this picture, Torie has already been spayed, and she's now having her teeth cleaned. Newly adopted greyhound teeth sparkle, and this is why ;-))

Once the procedures were finished, Torie snoozed the rest of the day. This morning she was very chipper and had a good breakfast, and at noon, she headed back home with Annie!

I know this is a bit of a scary day for each greyhound, but once it's all done, they can REALLY start to relax and enjoy the lazy life!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Torie's first M&G

Torie and her foster-mate Annie went to their first M&G today! Now, most of our adoptables don't get to a M&G for 10-14 days after they arrive because of their vetting and recuperation. These girls won't be vetted til Monday and could come, but remember they were only 3 days off the track and everything in this new world was a little scary. She and Annie stayed close to each other.

Torie did well with people - her very very tucked tail gradually came up and actually wagged several times!! She met adults and kids and even a little toddler, and was OK with all of it.

Torie made it pretty clear, though, that she wasn't too keen on the other greyhounds coming up to her at this point. She spoke clearly in Doglish... no sniffing, no leaning, no touching. She is very comfortable with Annie - they even enter a crate together - so it may just be the new surroundings. With time, Torie will be out and exposed to lots of new things, and her wariness will hopefully improve.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Once in a while, we get to see pictures of our retired racers as adorable precious heathen puppies!! This is Torie as a baby with 2 of her littermates!!

Thank you, Heather, for these PRECIOUS pictures!!! I can almost smell puppy breath!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Watch out Nashville, here I come!

Torie rode to Nashville yesterday with 3 other retirees - the beginning of their lives as pets. While the other hounds snoozed, Torie strategically positioned herself close to Lou.

Then she gave us a peek into what a really really sweet girl she is, by trying to curl into Lou's lap. And there she rode to Nashville!

Torie is a natural model, so getting her photo was pretty easy. She and Annie came back to the house with me and they explored the yard and foster area. Torie is just a little reserved, but she thoroughly enjoys being petted and getting attention. She has a little clown in her - funny girl! She ate really well, and slept all the way through the night. Good girl!!