Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cute 101

Torie is very diligent about bringing stuffies to share with everyone.
She can empty the toy basket in minutes! ☺

Today was "monthly heartworm medicine mailing"
to all the foster hounds
and that's best done on the floor.
Torrie immediately volunteered to help.
I don't know how I've ever done it without her ☺

Hey, Torie, could you try to be cute?
Torie shares.
She shared her crate with her foster-friend Annie,
and she is happy to share a bed with Sting.


  1. Torie, you sure did get your share of cute and probably some that belonged to another dog!

  2. Is she hamming for the camera? or is she that cute all the time?

  3. Really, who would have thunk it, Torie and Sting becoming buddies :)
    That girl just seems to have "it"
